"Eliza, you are to stay here for the next six months to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist shop. If you work hard and do as you are told, you shall sleep in a proper bedroom, have lots to eat, and money to buy chocolates and go for rides in taxis. But if you are naughty and idle, you shall sleep in the back kitchen amongst the black beetles and be wolloped by Mrs. Pearce with a broomstick...If you refuse this offer, you will be the most ungrateful, wicked girl. And the angels will weep for you." - Professor Henry Higgins, My Fair Lady, 1964
Even back in 1912, when George Bernard Shaw wrote Pygmalion, people appreciated the dramatic impact of a good makeover. Today, realityand talk shows perpetuate the myth that a person can completely re-do some aspects of their lives. So, here's my deal: I want to see if it's possible without the divine intervention of the stars or television. Can a normal, average person of middle class stature and wealth retake control of her life? Can she reinvent her look, her house, her job, etc.? Is it possible to be a better person all by yourself?
I'll let you know.
My "Plan" (that was hastily construed during my mid-morning watching of The Nate Berkus Show while nursing my 4-week-old infant):
1. I want to take control of my house (and its infinite clutter and destruction), my body (which has been wrecked by the births of two children, the breastfeeding of two children, the natural aging process, and the stress of daily living), my job (I'm an English teacher, and would like to continue to be one, but perhaps in a better circumstance than I currently am in), and my stress levels (they are...well...legendary).
2. I will try to tackle some aspect of any of those things on a daily basis during the six months of my maternity leave and see what exactly can be accomplished when one really puts their mind to it.
3. I will be completely honest. From the crumbs in the rug of my living room to my post-baby weight, I will tell the truth to the best of my ability.
Wish me luck!
little late to the party here, but...good luck! love you!