I've been struggling with pinpointing exactly what needs "resolution" this year. I definitely want to keep my house cleaner and better organized. Less cluttered, more civilized. That old chestnut. I'd also like to do some "personal" cleanup - by which I mean a haircut, some weight loss, and eyebrow pluck, and maybe another teeth cleaning. Nothing fancy. Let's not get all crazy now. But I guess I'm looking for something that speaks a little bit more to my emotional state of mind.
As a mom of two young kids and a full-time teacher of literature, I don't find myself with a ton of "me" time. And, even before I had kids, I still didn't really know how to fill that me-time effectively. I slept more, watched more bad television, worked out more, and drank more Diet Coke. Occasionally, I blasted bad music and sung along to it like a demented sideshow act at a circus. I still do that now; however, the music is mostly inspired by an evil purple dinosaur whose very name is an anathema to me.
The hubs and I oft joke that we should have cured cancer with all the free time we once wasted. I guess these days I just want a little more bang for my free time buck.
Part of that need will be met this year by that book/movie challenge I posted about yesterday (which I'm inordinately excited about), but I feel like I just need to be better about trying new things in general.
There's got to be more to life than just work, family, and Facebook. Right?
See you on the flip-side.
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