The Blue Lagoon!!!
Thank GOD! I had just healed my retinas from the last sequel starring Mila Jovovich; they were in need of some permanent re-scarring!
I mean, did anyone else forget her sweet virgin diaper???
Blue Lagoon: The Awakening is the touching story of Dean (aka "Holden Caulfield") and Emma (aka Molly Ringwald/The Prom Queen).
Dean is a rebel without a cause. But with a knife. That he carries in school. Because that's so cool.
And phallic.
And Lord of the Flies.
And illegal.
None of which the movie concerns itself with.
Emma is an overachiever who hates to be off-schedule. Her friends think she needs to sleep with the quarterback.
And you know what???
She really does.
But she won't, because there's a price on virginity in these things.
Long story short, they go to Trinidad on a school trip of spirit and giving. And alcohol. Somehow, they both end up on a boat raver that gets busted by the cops. As the cops yell the VERY fitting and slightly portentous "you're about to be boarded", Emma falls out of the boat, gets into a dinghy with Sk8r Boi, and the two drift off into the deep blue sea.
I'm pretty sure Thomas C. Foster would have a lot to say about this movie's use of water.
Regardless, somehow, the dinghy with two hungover kids on it makes it to an island while their teacher, played by the aged first generation Blue Lagoon "Adam" figure Christopher Atkins, finally realizes he is missing two of his students in what can only be described as the worst teachable moment ever.
I hope I never have to explain to a parent that I let her daughter get on a dinghy with Danger Boy on my watch.
"Don't be sorry. Just help us find our children."
I'm pretty sure they don't rehire you after something like this.
That shit just would not fly.
I also hope I never need money so badly that I'll revisit a movie chain that has long since played to death the whole "return to innocence" bull that this smut purports to.
Tangent: I wonder when loin cloths are going to come back in style???
Dean and Emma, meanwhile, take to island life like two kids in a candy store.
If the candy store sold palm fronds, playful monkeys, and rogue panthers instead of candy, of course.
Here are my main ruminations/concerns upon watching this "film":
1.There is a serious dearth of loin cloth-age going on here. Even Mila got the aforementioned diaper. This version's Adam and Eve are practically clothed. What the heck, Lifetime! How are we supposed to know they're pre-fallen if they are too ashamed to be naked??? She wears either a blue bikini or blue tank top and cut offs. He is usually shirtless, which is, I think, his main function in the film. See photo:
I'm pretty sure the blue is supposed to highlight her virginity/parallel to Virgin Mary/etc. I'm also pretty sure his abs are supposed to highlight the fact that most men do not work out nearly enough to compete with the Australians.
Seriously, what do they feed them down there???
Don't worry, that's not virgin blood. Or even menstrual blood (who could forget THAT scene from Return to the Blue Lagoon!). Nay, good folks, that's motherfucking PANTHER blood.
Now, here's a good rule of thumb for all y'all: if you hear growling in a jungle, don't hunt it. Particularly if you have nothing to hunt with. Dean hears growling, then chases it down, until he catches up with a panther. Who then proceeds to chase him. Now, I don't know much about animals, but I do know this general tidbit: I don't care how cut Dean is. He cannot outrun a panther. But he almost does! until he trips on a rogue log and the panther pounces on Dean who somehow manages to get his illegal pocket knife out and kill him with one mighty stab to the panther heart.
That's right.
Little Dean gets to use his knife.
In case we missed it during all the weirdly quiet, gentile porn on the island...
He's a real man now.
3. And what about the sex? Because they're Adam and Eve. They get to have sex with no consequences. It's a rule!
(Hey, Lifetime, it's Adam and Eve, not Emma and Dean!)
First, it feels creepily voyeuristic. But yet also masterfully tasteful. This movie may suck plot-wise but it gets an A+++ in strategic palm frond/tree branch placement. At one point, we even get to see through a little makeshift sunroof in their thatched hut of lovemaking joy. At another, a barky limb obscures the naughty bits. It's like Austin Powers without the winking.
I'm not even going to touch the fact that they engage in their premarital sexcapades because they find a crusty skeleton buried in their hut and the thought of their impending mortality creates some sort of psychological downward spiraling that culminates in Emma getting sand in her very special lady crevices. Sure, it's yet another blatant homage to the inexorable link between sex and death, but, damn.
Chester Copperpot should not inspire this much teenaged fornication.
Don't Dean and Emma know...
Relax, the sex is not that graphic.
I mean, by Lifetime standards, it's Skin-a-max. But for the average viewer, it's politely untamed.
Beforehand, it's a lot of stolen glances and strutting around in varying degrees of clothed-ness. There's a lot of slow-mo involving Dean jumping and frolicking like a punch-drunk seven-year-old at the desert island gymnastics class.
But the eventual act(s) itself...very...quiet. I mean, pretty much she bites her lip and he puts his head down and we're supposed to just "know" that something magical has happened. And then they talk about how mindblowing the experience was for both of them. Before and after she does that insipid girl thing of asking him to 1. rank her performance among the mighty pantheon of his myriad sex partners and 2. tricks him into telling her all about his uber-sketchy first time with a junior in college (while he was a sophomore - which, if he didn't stay back, makes him at most SIXTEEN at that time and her well-past the age of legal adulthood) and 3. confesses that she gave him her most special chaste treasure.
He is, as all boys are in these things, overjoyed at how fortuitously things worked out for him in the virginity department while she is relieved to have someone pre-trained take care of all that awkward deflowering.
Just how God intended.
4. "Honey, we need to talk..."
After several vanilla sex scenes (and, yeah, Christian Grey, THIS is vanilla), we get a scene where pretty, perfect Emma starts vomiting.
Dean: Do you think it's the fish?
Us: No, Dean. We do not think it's the fish.
Emma: Maybe, it did smell a little funny.
Dean: Do you think you know? Be pregnant?
Us: Yes, Dean. We do think it's a VirginBirthMiracleIslandBaby!
Emma: NOOOOOO. I am NOT pregnant.
Dean: Good. Because I have the emotional maturity of a toddler. Sure I have very handy knowledge about the appropriate berries to eat and not eat, but fatherhood? Man, that some heavy shit!
Us: Couldn't have said it better ourselves, Dean!
Emma: I want kids someday. With you. Maybe.
Dean: Me too, Emma-kins. Me too.
Us: Vomit!
And then she's not pregnant!!!
WTF, people!
The last time two young, good-looking kids had that much sex and DIDN'T get pregnant, this happened:
I guess Jenny was right, Oliver. Love means never having to say you're sorry you didn't know how to fasten a makeshift condom out of jellyfish skin.
Seriously, Lifetime. You of all people should know the importance of having tangible repercussions for this type of behavior! Now every teen who gets stranded on a desert island with her local resident bad boy is going to have non-stop sex for days and find themselves woefully unprepared to give birth in a sandpit! We should be getting ready to watch a very special episode of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant: Island Edition, not heaving a collective sigh of relief at their blameless (babyless) wild abandonment.
5. What happened to Denise Richards's face?
None of the adults in this film have understood the concept of "growing older gracefully"...Denise's character has clearly had her lips and nose done. Her husband had hair three shades too dark. And you already know how I feel about the Atkins diet.
I hope I'm spoiling this for you: Dean and Emma get rescued. That's why she couldn't get pregnant. Paradise island babies/tangible symbols of hope for an unruined future can only exist ON THE ISLAND. Didn't we learn anything from Lost??? If they're going to get off the island intact, an impending baby turns their story into an episode of Teen Mom and that's a whole other TV movie right there. So, they get rescued and escape the shackles of an 18+ year commitment.
And, predictably, life off the island is not as idyllic for these two sex fiends. Emma returns to her life of popularity and overscheduling. Dean becomes once more otherwise ignored. Despite his efforts to keep their thang going strong, the two drift apart like two dinghies in the night.
Until prom.
Prom is magical. It's when ugly ducking little sisters who are not named Ducky get to go to prom with the prettiest girl in whole world and then get dragged off to dance by a non-Kristy Swanson "hipster boy" thus leaving the more attractive date unattended and ready for some rekindling.
And the good friends who once thought "Hot Steven" would be the ideal bedroom/prom/life date are all now rooting for the former freaky loser boy and the prom queen to get their romance on.
In the rain.
While her friends watch on (because he still doesn't have any), shit-eating grins plastered to their smarmy little faces.
Yes, sir!
7. The Green Flash/Light
Hey, Dean...Gatsby also believed in the green light...the orgastic future (that's WAY different from your orgasmic one). Stop using played out metaphors for the American Dream and the power of hope and nostalgia in your Lifetime movie, please!
Wait, did we talk about Dean's mother???
The movie attempts to flesh out Dean's character (because, let's face it, a 12 pack set of abs does not a troubled past make!) by giving him a sordid backstory involving his dead mother, that he may or may not have accidentally killed in a poorly timed game of "Warp Speed!".
Or something.
And what, you might ask, does every boy stranded on an island with a half naked hot chick think about constantly?
His mother.
She is the green flash, the guardian angel, the creepy overlord of Dean's emotions, and the catalyst for sexual exploration.
It's so very wrong indeed.
8. "Should we feel guilty?"
I mean, that is SORT of the whole point here, right, Genesis fans?
This movie gave me sand in weird places.
Or crabs. I can't tell which.
Look, if I could leave you with one wish for this movie, it's this: watch this movie for the people in the background who clearly think NO ONE is watching them.
They are the true makers of music, the real dreamers of dreams.
i want to get an "A+++ in strategic palm frond/tree branch placement." does this mean i need to go back to school to get another degree?
ReplyDeleteYou can earn an A+++ in strategic palm frond/tree branch placement in my new course offering: Advanced Placement Camouflaging Down Under.
ReplyDeleteso long as it doesn't conflict with my honors loin cloth fashion design class.
ReplyDeleteno, the only overlap is with "the architecture of straw abodes" and "makeshift grave-digging 101". you should be fine.
ReplyDeleteHey, why does this thing not have a like button?