Saturday, December 31, 2011


<---Jane Austen hair/Madwoman in the Attic eyes/Exhausted New Mom glow

I've been struggling with pinpointing exactly what needs "resolution" this year. I definitely want to keep my house cleaner and better organized. Less cluttered, more civilized. That old chestnut. I'd also like to do some "personal" cleanup - by which I mean a haircut, some weight loss, and eyebrow pluck, and maybe another teeth cleaning. Nothing fancy. Let's not get all crazy now. But I guess I'm looking for something that speaks a little bit more to my emotional state of mind.

As a mom of two young kids and a full-time teacher of literature, I don't find myself with a ton of "me" time. And, even before I had kids, I still didn't really know how to fill that me-time effectively. I slept more, watched more bad television, worked out more, and drank more Diet Coke. Occasionally, I blasted bad music and sung along to it like a demented sideshow act at a circus. I still do that now; however, the music is mostly inspired by an evil purple dinosaur whose very name is an anathema to me.

The hubs and I oft joke that we should have cured cancer with all the free time we once wasted. I guess these days I just want a little more bang for my free time buck.

Part of that need will be met this year by that book/movie challenge I posted about yesterday (which I'm inordinately excited about), but I feel like I just need to be better about trying new things in general.

There's got to be more to life than just work, family, and Facebook. Right?

See you on the flip-side.

Friday, December 30, 2011

50/50 Challenge

so...i love reading. i do. more than i love candy corn, democratic ideals, and the color cerulean. it's up there with diet coke, swedish fish, and sleeping children in my book. and movies, they're not half bad either.

a friend of mine introduced me to the 50/50 challenge (you can read rules here: and i'm totally in. i've desperately wanted to improve my movie viewing in the new year (it's tough with young kids, but there's a whole body of work featuring ryan gosling's body and it ain't gonna watch itself, you dig?). this seemed to be the best way to hold myself accountable and to get myself to do something for me consistently each week.

I suck at life and blogging.

So...turns out, I've got terrible follow through. I couldn't even keep my house clean. Blech. BUT, but, but...


it gives me something to work on this year. a resolution, of sorts. an attempt, finally, to get my shit together. in more ways than one.

so here it goes. the new, the improved, the recently updated

Eliza Doolittle Project

(who knew that name would be so prophetically accurate? perhaps I should have named myself something more...inspirational?)

The Goals (for 2012):

1. post something, anything once a week (minimum)
2. lose rest of baby weight
3. finish my novel
4. keep my house in check
5. complete the 50/50 challenge

i'm starting with this for now.